⦿ What is communication?
⇒ Communication is the process of any information exchange one person to another person, or group. our opinion, ideas.
⇒ A simple definition of communication is you read my blog that's one type of communication.
• Different Types of Communication
⇒ Verbal communication is the process of two friends sharing information with each other. face-to-face, mobile, radio, or other media. If your verbal communication is very effective; than anywhere you got the job easily.
• How you can improve your Verbal Communication
⇒ Powerful and confident voices are most important in verbal communication. If you have a powerful voice to speaking; then you have the best opportunity to got the job. Sandip Maheshwari is a powerful voice to speak upon the audience.
• Active listening:
• Think before you speak:
⇒ When you have to speak, you should first think and then speak. Then you will have more effect on other people.
2. Non-verbal communication:
⇒ Body language, gesture, expressions. Body language is the unspoken element of communication that we use to reveal our expression and feelings.
⇒Use a firm handshake, maintain good eye contact to improve body language communication.
3. Written communication:
3. Written communication:
⇒ Letter writing, WhatsApp chattings, e-mails, books & the internet.
• Example of effective(good) communication
⇒ Another man comes, and he speaks a few words not well arranged, ungrammatical perhaps, all the same, he makes an immense impression. Many of you have seen that, So it is evident that words alone cannot always produce an impression.
⇒ In the above Paragraph, we saw how the second person made a good impression with a good communication style, but the first man did not make an impression.
⇒ A first man comes; you know he is very learned, his language is beautiful, and he speaks to you by the hour, but he doesn't make an impression.
• Conclusion
⇒ In the above topic, we learn about how effective communication is important in our lives. Therefore, always learn to make the best of your communication.
• Example of effective(good) communication
⇒ Another man comes, and he speaks a few words not well arranged, ungrammatical perhaps, all the same, he makes an immense impression. Many of you have seen that, So it is evident that words alone cannot always produce an impression.
⇒ In the above Paragraph, we saw how the second person made a good impression with a good communication style, but the first man did not make an impression.
⇒ A first man comes; you know he is very learned, his language is beautiful, and he speaks to you by the hour, but he doesn't make an impression.
• Conclusion
⇒ In the above topic, we learn about how effective communication is important in our lives. Therefore, always learn to make the best of your communication.